Why Cuba should be your next travel destination

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Traveling to Cuba is like going back in time. 

Classic 1950’s cars parade the streets, making their way through the remains of the Spanish Colonial architecture in Havana. 

Unfortunately traveling to Cuba as an American tourist, has not always been easy. During my visit to Cuba, I had to travel through Mexico as flying from the US was not an option then.

Nowadays it is much simpler to visit Cuba and multiple airlines offer direct flights to the Caribbean island.


You are able to travel under these 12 categories:

  1. Family visits

  2. Official business for the US government, foreign government and certain

  3. intergovernmental organizations

  4. Journalism

  5. Professional research

  6. Religious activities

  7. Public performances

  8. Support for the Cuban people

  9. Humanitarian projects

  10. Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes

  11. Exportation, importation or transmission of information or informational materials

  12. Certain export transactions

These categories are self declared and you don’t need to apply for a permit. You solely need your passport and Visa to visit Cuba. There are still some restrictions for US travelers, so make sure you read the Restricted List.

American credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba so make sure to bring cash with you.

The exchange rate is pretty straight forward $1 USD = 1 CUC. There are two currencies in Cuba, the CUC for the tourists and CUP for the locals. 1 CUC = 24 CUP. 

If you are worried about the immigration process in Cuba, don’t! It is simple and easy, plus if you don’t want to get your passport stamped you don’t have to.

Assuming you meet the qualifications for a visit, here a couple of reasons why Cuba should be your next travel destination!


Reason One: Its History

Although Cuba’s history prevented Americans from visiting the island for almost half a century, it is important to understand why.

Being only 90 miles apart, in the 1950’s Cuba was considered America’s escape to paradise. The access to the Caribbean island would then be prohibited after the relationship between Cuba and United States turned sour. 

At the end of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Fidel Castro became Cuba’s leader. Shortly after in 1960, after violating America’s policy on the prohibition of use of firearms the US imposed a commercial embargo on Cuba. The Cuban government then turned to the Soviet Union and began to openly purchase armaments from them. Given it’s ties to the Soviet Union, the US decided to stop exerting oil to Cuba. Cuba in an effort to get back to the US, nationalized all American owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation. 

Following the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 the embargo was extended to include all exports and new travel restrictions were imposed. 


Fast forward 20 years later, the people of Cuba escaped Castro’s communist regime  seeking political asylum in the US. Given the proximity of the island to the US territory, the US created the wet foot, dry foot policy, which grants asylum to cubans who enter the country by land and not by water.

Reason Two: Its Untouched Spanish Colonial Architecture


Visiting Havana is entering an awe-inspiring colonial time capsule. Although most of their facades have been the deteriorated with time, the based of the Spanish colonial architecture remains. Whether you prefer to walk throughout their cobblestone streets or jump in a 1950’s Chevy, touring the city and admiring it’s architecture is a must.


Reason Three: The Food & Rum

When you visit Cuba EAT AT PALADARES! If you want to try Cuba’s homemade food, try eating at a Paladar, which is a restaurant located inside a local’s home. Given the government’s imposed restrictions on the paladares food choices can be limited but nonetheless delicious.

Must try foods in Cuba are:

  • Ropa Vieja

  • Lechon Asado

  • Rice and Beans

  • Tostones

  • Cuban Sandwich


Helados Coppelia

Although everyone enjoys having a cone of ice cream on a mid summer day, visiting Helados Coppelia could be quite shocking. It is a clear divided experience between the locals and the tourist. Tourist and locals do not share the same ice cream stand and the options given to tourists are much different from what is offered to the locals.

Division between what tourist and locals can do, it is not foreign to the Cuban people. Cubans have a lot of restrictions on what they can and can’t do, even on what they can and can’t eat. When talking to our waiter, he had explain to us how locals are not allowed to eat certain shellfish from the island, as it is only for the tourists. Once again highlighting why most of the Cuban people are fed up by the restrictions imposed by the communist government.

Giving birth to the Mojito Cocktail, La Bodeguita del Medio is a must visit place in Havana. It is also famous for its writers and personalities who used to be regulars at the Bodeguita, including Pablo Neruda, and Ernest Hemingway.

Reason Four: The People

Despite their economical and political restrictions, cuban people are the happiest and friendliest people you will ever meet. They are social and welcoming! Walking through the streets of Havana truly feels like a party. People are playing music, dancing, smoking cigars and of course socializing with a mojito. People in Cuba love talking to tourists, they want to know everything; are you enjoying Cuba? Where are you from? Are you married? do you want to be? They ask all sorts of things. They are very curious people. And rightfully so, as access to the outside world is very limited for Cuban people. Masked with joy and happiness, people in Cuba are also saddened by their reality and struggle with the restrictions imposed by their government. There is one story in particular that I remember having with a waiter. He told me he had tried to escape Cuba twice and gotten caught, and now his only chance of ever getting out of Cuba was probably by marrying a tourist.. Hint.. Hint.. But really, this was one of the many stories I heard of people trying to escape Cuba. Surprisingly, not everyone feels that way. I also met people who agreed with the government and thought they had enough means to live. At the end of the day the truth is that the government has established too many restrictions for the Cuban people, and despite of that, people keep singing and dancing and living life in this beautiful paradise.


Reason Five: Music

You cannot escape the music in Cuba, it is everywhere. And if you are anything like me and love to sign and dance despite me being terrible at both, you will love it. Some of the most iconic signers of the 20th century came from Cuba such as Celia Cruz “La Guarachera de Cuba".

During your visit to Cuba make sure to go to Buena Vista Social Club, where a group of Cuban musicians gather to revive the music of pre-revolutionary Cuba. Book/call in advance because shows sell out quickly.

In the meantime if you are looking for modern Cuban music, Gente de Zona is my favorite Cuban group. Check them out!


Reason Five: El Malecon


Reason Six: Beaches

Nowadays it is extremely rare to find untouched beaches. Cuba has plenty of that. When you visit Cuba, make sure to stop in Varadero and enjoy the beach, music and of course a mojito.


Reason Seven: Vintage Cars

Take a ride! Parade the streets of Havana in 1950’s car. Taking a ride through Havana in a 1950’s convertible car is probably one of the best ways to see city.


I hope these are more than enough reasons to visit Cuba. It is truly one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited, and I hope one day you enjoy it too!

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